Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cool as a Cucumber!

Who coined these words that strike me numb? The cuke, the glad, the lope, the mum.”
Ogden Nash
Cool as a cucumber! Botanically speaking, the cucumber is a fruit because it is the mature ovary of a plant having developed the reproductive structure of plants bearing seeds to propagate. Gastronomically, the cucumber is more often prepared as a vegetable, lending itself to cool salads due to its high water content, which exceeds 90%. There are well over 150 varieties of cucumbers to enjoy, so dig in!
Etymologically, the cucumber is a gourd, as are melons, squash and pumpkins. Though its nutritional content isn’t very concentrated, it does contain many vitamins, minerals and some fiber. Sadly, one of the best ways to enjoy your cucumber wipes out most of the nutritional value. You guessed it - Pickles. In the U.S., we consume over 4 pounds of pickles per capita or about 12 billion pounds each year. Fresh cucumber consumption is growing rapidly, zooming past 6 pounds for each of us. Thanks goodness there are burpless varieties.

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